Thursday, March 29, 2007


When the dentist's assistant told my girl that she would have to wear headgear with her braces she laughed. Then, upon realizing that the woman was serious, gave her one of the dirtiest looks that I ever have seen. She then turned to me and said that she would not be needing braces. The assistant and I just kept looking at one another, feeling sorry for my daughter but also trying to help her be reasonable. She wasn't even the slightest bit consoled by the fact that the headgear wouldn't need to be worn to school. I told my daughter to take advantage of this opportunity because she would probably be well into her adulthood before she could afford to do it herself. This reasoning seemed very logical to me but she wasn't going for it. Too bad they can't make braces with headgear a really cool combination. Can anybody think of a way to do that???

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Driving With the Windows Rolled Down

It is the perfect temperature outside tonight! I just came back from the video store with all the windows rolled down and the warm night air enveloping me. It made me remember the first winter I spent here in Texas, I would roll my windows all the way down at night in December and January just because I could. Its luxiourious to be so comfortable, I love the feeling!