Thursday, May 18, 2006

I moved into the Linebarger home today to care for their children while they are out of the country. It's been a good but busy day. Mothering teenagers is much different from mothering younger children, (they actually want some attention). My first few hours with the girls were spent in a mini-van taking everyone where they needed to go. This is also a very different experience from driving around with my daughter. They had lots of questions for me, usually I am prying conversation out of my passenger, they had lots of ideas on what we should eat for dinner and not one girl could agree with the other. They all finally agreed to let me decide. The night came together very nicely though when after bedtime prayers and hugs Grace looked up at me and said, "you are kinda like my mom now"....I take this as a nice compliment considering that her mother truly inspires me with the caring way that she mothers her girls. I told Grace that I was just the pretend mom and that I would take care of her till the real one got back. We both giggled.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Two classes left!! I will be a college graduate as of Wednesday when I will have officially completed all requirements towards my Associate in Arts degree. This has been a little longer road for me than for some of my 19 year old counterparts who take 20 hours, work full time, party, know everything there is to know about everything anyone could ever want to know anything about, and do it all while talking on their cell phones. The only thing that I had in common with many of my fellow students was the fact that once, I too, knew it all. There are still days that I like to claim that I actually do, but God taught me several years ago that is simply not the case. (thankfully)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The doctor said bunyons, bone spurs, and arthritis.
Oh, great just what I wanted to hear! One sore spot on my foot and this is the diagnosis I get? Don't worry though, he said that if the treatments he gave me to try don't work I can just have surgery....NOT EVEN....I told him not to worry I would make the treatments work. I am not sure how many of you know it, but I am all powerful that way, or maybe I am just really stubborn. It's more likely to be something along those lines.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

"As for your children that you said would be taken as plunder. I will bring them in to enjoy the land you have rejected."
Numbers 14:31

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The way it is...
My son told my sister yesterday that Rocky couldn't be replaced, yes he calls me Rocky and has since the divorce.....but today that fact seems irrelevent. Today, I am grateful for sweet little remarks.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Some of the things that I am most thankful for are the same things that make me the most angry ....losses which lead to lessens and pains that lead to growth.