Saturday, January 20, 2007


My sister told me that I was a fighter, just like my name, and that I always have been. Its true and I know it. Once I decide what I'm going for, being it positive or negative, I run headlong at it until its mine. I get down, so down sometimes that I detest my own thoughts. Underneath that though is a song that plays. The only words are "I will find my way through this." I don't doubt my song in the least. I have a bottomless pit of attitude, always have. The only problem with being a fighter as far as I can tell is that at times I forget to check with the Lord on whether or not I am fighting for the right thing. I'm checking tonight, Lord.


Rocky said...

#1) I never said anything about physical fighting..I am a chicken when it comes to that..all my battles rage within my head until they overflow from my mouth.
#2) Piss and vinegar??? Well, I never!!
#3) If it came down to it, I would kick both ya'lls bottoms...hee hee... see I can't even type it without giggling.
#4) I will for sure always be of the ultimate in coolness according to my baby sissies.

Kirsty said...

I don't know about the ultimate coolness, but I sure do love you, My little pumpkin.

Jackie, who do you think would win between you and me? I'm pretty tough.

Anonymous said...

"all my battles rage within my head until they overflow from my mouth.."

Rocky, That. Is. Awesome! Many times I have been there before and I am sure many times I will be there again. Sometimes I think it's not so hard to make a difference in the world; all I have to do is shut up. Sometimes there is peace when I am quiet.

Anonymous said...

Rocky Layne, I cannot believe you enabled the comment moderation option! This makes me upset. This makes me want to fight. I am going to open up a bottomless can of you-know-what on this blog....subject to approval, of course.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Dearest Rocky,
I am no longer willing to go on with this fight that never started. All the water is under the bridge. Someday later I can take you down. But right now, in spite of Leslie's Blogbarger thinking I should still go toe-to-toe with you, I would like to embrace this moment of peace. Later, when we are both bored, I will drive to Trader Joes at 5:30pm on a weekday, build up generations of anger and unleash some fury in your direction. I may even go on one of those 100s channels on cable and broadcast a challenge. But I'll give you a heads up about that.

Now let's see if this works...

Anonymous said...

Sweet! For the record, those deleted comments had no bad words and were only poetry.

Anonymous said...

Jackie, every word that comes out of your mouth is like pure poetry. Kind of like Rocky. You guys together are like Maya Angelou and John Keats. I wonder who would win if you guys had a poetry-reciting contest?

Anonymous said...

Rocky can read, I'll put on the black turtleneck and hat, sit to the side and nod along with her words "Yeah, man..yeah...speak it."

Otherwise, there is no way I can get through it without bursting into laughter and getting run out. My friend and I decided not to join a local writers group when we read some pages they'd put on their website--something about red peppers and loneliness. We figured we'd just bow out before they had the chance to throw us out.

Rocky said...

Whew!! In the words of my momma "you girls are something else"

Jackie, I am really glad that we are cool cause I wouldn't want to have to make you look silly!

Leslie, Watch out for that Jackie lady cause I am not so sure about her!

Anonymous said...

Rocky, I love this! I long for the day when a really good friend [with a really good sense of humor and instantaneous forgiveness] says very sadly, "I'm unsure of myself." I will say, "Uh, I'm not so sure about you either." And I will be thinking of this post and how funny it is, and they won't have a clue and I'll have to apologize and give loads of hugs and then listen very quietly to why they are feeling down and kick myself for once again choosing to say the joke.

Also, Rocky, I have a feeling you will see me looking silly quite a few times.

Carlee said...

I love you. You are a fighter, but you are also my little blueberry.