Monday, June 04, 2007

OK, maybe 38 is older.

I have refused to acknowledge the fact that I am aging just as everyone else does. Tonight I surrender!
Meg and I wanted to order pizza for her dinner and I was planning on leaving the house. I didn't want to leave my debit/credit card with her so I told her to ask if the pizza place would take a check. Megan did so and the girl on the other end of the phone asked: "a what?"Megan said "a check, you know to pay for the food, will you take a check?" The girl on the other end of the phone replied "oh, them we don't take them."
Now I realise that checks are quickly becoming obsolete but for the teenage pizza girl not to even know what it was? Come on...for Pete's sake... what the heck? Maybe it's just me but things sure do change quickly, don't they? Oh probably not, I am just trying to hang on to what is familiar I guess.