Monday, June 04, 2007

OK, maybe 38 is older.

I have refused to acknowledge the fact that I am aging just as everyone else does. Tonight I surrender!
Meg and I wanted to order pizza for her dinner and I was planning on leaving the house. I didn't want to leave my debit/credit card with her so I told her to ask if the pizza place would take a check. Megan did so and the girl on the other end of the phone asked: "a what?"Megan said "a check, you know to pay for the food, will you take a check?" The girl on the other end of the phone replied "oh, them we don't take them."
Now I realise that checks are quickly becoming obsolete but for the teenage pizza girl not to even know what it was? Come on...for Pete's sake... what the heck? Maybe it's just me but things sure do change quickly, don't they? Oh probably not, I am just trying to hang on to what is familiar I guess.


Anonymous said...

That has nothing to do with age. The girl was just ignorant. Don't worry I am younger and I know what a check is. It's that you thing you put on a list when you are done with it right?

Unknown said...

Maybe the pizza place will take PayPal.

Anonymous said...

Did you tell Meg to explain that check used to be spelled cheque and still is in the UK, maybe that would have helped her out.

Unknown said...

I think if you could have gotten them to take the cheque, then you should have had Megan say, as she handed it to the driver, "Don't cash it yet," and then pointed to a post-date.

Rocky said...

Thanks for all the tips, I'll keep them in mind for next time.

Chris Linebarger said...

Pizza joints don't take checks anymore because too many people were writing bad checks. Is that helpful?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for ruining the fun with something serious blogbarger. You missed the point, it is fine if pizza joints don't want to take checks anymore, but they should still know what they are or the fact that they even exist.

Rocky said...

Well said, Maxsky.

Anonymous said...

Rocky! I was wondering where you've been. I love the new look of your blog!!

I have been trying to convince you that you are getting old, but
noooo you wouldn't listen to me.

Rocky said...

Gee thanks Kirsty! I think??

Unknown said...

For real, Blogbarger. Shuh!

Pizza Hut deserves bad checks. Bad pizza, bad check. Even Stevens.

Kirsty, Whatever! Don't even start with Rocky about her blogging. You've been posting about your husband's cheeks. As If!

Anonymous said...

Actually, Jackie, it is my husband who has been doing the posting. Can't you keep up?

Unknown said...


With all the hype about his cute cheeks, no wonder he hasn't moved onto another piece.

Anonymous said...

Hello Rocky. I'm glad you have a blog also. I've enjoyed getting to "know" you better through this format. I can't believe we have teenagers! Where does the time go? If you'd like to take a peek at my blog I've posted pics of the family there. Have a great day from one old lady to another ;)

Rocky said...

Wow! Tonia, its been a long time. It's nice to see your name on the blogs. I looked at some of the family pics on your blog, very handsome family. I am really happy to have the chance to get to know more about you.

Anonymous said...

This rings painfully true...

Anonymous said...

Rocky, for pete's sake...are you ever going to post again?! :D