Thursday, May 18, 2006

I moved into the Linebarger home today to care for their children while they are out of the country. It's been a good but busy day. Mothering teenagers is much different from mothering younger children, (they actually want some attention). My first few hours with the girls were spent in a mini-van taking everyone where they needed to go. This is also a very different experience from driving around with my daughter. They had lots of questions for me, usually I am prying conversation out of my passenger, they had lots of ideas on what we should eat for dinner and not one girl could agree with the other. They all finally agreed to let me decide. The night came together very nicely though when after bedtime prayers and hugs Grace looked up at me and said, "you are kinda like my mom now"....I take this as a nice compliment considering that her mother truly inspires me with the caring way that she mothers her girls. I told Grace that I was just the pretend mom and that I would take care of her till the real one got back. We both giggled.


Kirsty said...

Rock, You inspire me.

Kirsty said...

You failed to close out the post with the fact that we all still love Meggie...even though she is a bit strange. Deep down inside I believe she wants everyones attention...but she puts up a good front. I also think she has tons of questions...but here Uncle Scott isn't around all the time to answer she stays hush hush until she has a moment to ask me things like, "How does Bono stay so cool?" and "Why haven't I heard U2 until now? My mother has been starving me of good music!"

Kirsty said...
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Anonymous said...

If you are their pretend mom, does that make you my pretend Sister-In-Law?

Rocky said...

ok, Scott if you say so, although the blog says that Kirsty says

Rocky said...

Yes anonymous maxskybarger, I am your pretend sister-in-law. and honored to be so I might add.

Kirsty said...

Max, you will always be that little boy who used to put his legs behind his head and... oh sorry I forgot!! Since Rocky is your pretend sister-in-law and I am her sister can I be your sister-in-law too?

Rocky said...

Believe me, I do go to Kirsty when i am in need of her skills.

Anonymous said...

Not skills Rocky...skillz.