Monday, April 30, 2007


I think if I were given the task of describing myself with just one word that word would be compassionate. Passion being the root of the word just as I consider it to be my root. Too much passion if you ask me, but there it is each and every day. I never know quite what to do with it. I do know that a poem titled "Nobody Nowhere" written by an autistic author named Donna Williams pulls at my heart. I hope others will enjoy it also. Just click on the title of this blog and it will take you to her poem.


Anonymous said...

I miss you so much. You are a passionate girl, that is for sure. The poem reminded me of you. It seems like something you could have written.

Rocky said...

I miss you too! If you get a chance you should read a little about her life she is a very colorful person. She has written several books and I read her blog sometimes also.