Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The man that I love

Just when I think I really understand the man that I love, he surprises me in some wonderful way.
It's taken me a while to really "get" him.
He communicates in a most unusual way.
He offers all of himself without hesitation or fear.
The generosity of this offer overwhelms me sometimes.
When I first met him I'd offer nothing more than what I was sure would not be used against me.
He uses nothing against me.
There are no games, just genuine love and consideration.


Kirsty said...

That is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

First time I read this post, I couldn't comment appropriately.

Now, like the third time I read it, all I can say is... after all this while, do you "get" him or do you think is that the important thing? Are you still amazed?