Friday, December 12, 2008


I was faithful beyond comprehension to a man who could care less about me.

I rooted this faithfulness on the words that he said to me, he knew what to say to keep me hanging on even when there was nothing whatsoever left to hang on to.

This is because I am scared of silence, I always have been. There is too much unknowing in silence. Something will spring out of it if it’s not filled and soon. That is what I have always thought. It’s deep seeded in me and I know where it comes from but what good has that done me???

I am trying today to find peace in the silence, the void, because I believe that is truly what I’ve been afraid of for so long. The peace that is offered, I’m not good enough for it somehow.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Tree Trimming

Last night, Megan and I set up our little white Christmas tree while we watched the cartoon version of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. We hung our stockings and reminisced over where we got the ornaments as we hung them. There is something so comforting in the tradition. A tangible tie to all the Christmases that have past.
It's also a hard time because of the divorce, we always find ornaments that remind us of the separation from the Christmases that have past. This year we didn't sort through the ones from many years gone by just they ones from our past here in Texas.
We enjoyed each other, admired our tree, and yelled at the cat so that she would stay off our tree. It was a nice night.

Thank you, God.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

From Grease to Mama Mia

The first musical I remember watching was Grease, my eleven year old self left that theater feeling as if I could do anything that I wanted...anything.
I went and watched Mama Mia the other night and I absolutely loved it! Musicals make me feel triumphant, because when the actors sing a song with a enough emphasis and conviction it makes it seem as if they are really getting something accomplished. Usually I associate the accomplishment with a discovery and a discovery is always very exciting even if it has just the most fleeting of effects. I sometimes yearn to feel as triumphant as I did when I was eleven, the triumph that comes from new discoveries. I felt a little of that as I watched Mama Mia the other night, it was fun!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nights like these

I finished my term paper for Historical Perspectives on Psychology earlier this afternoon. I struggled and fussed with that paper longer than I like to admit. It is done now though and I feel no peace cause tomorrow there is more to handle and more to worry about than I'd like too. I feel so alone in this fight called life. I see other people enjoying it but I'm too closed down now, everything is just a hassle.
I found out a couple of weeks ago that my son goes down to the mission to line up for food when he is hungry. I am so ashamed that he is living that way, just doing anything to get by. I can't seem to get over it.
There is so much pain in this life. I wish I could run away from it, but it always seems to follow. Oh, what I wouldn't do to change things for my son.
Everything happens for a reason, that's what I believe, that's what I have to hang on to, but it doesn't make it any easier on nights like these.