Friday, April 20, 2007

What about now?

It's pleasing to tell of the good things.
What about the bad?
Hush! No one wants to hear.
Find your own way through.
Lean on the Lord.
Ignore the nasty thoughts that haunt you by day and by night.
Reach out, but don't hold on too tightly, don't infect my space.
Let me be, let me enjoy what I can, I have no idea what to offer you.
One day it will all be perfect, none of us will have to fret.
But, what about now??


soyChapin said...

I dare to comment.
I beg to differ.
But I agree...

I think you words come out of a heart longing for peace, but tired of thinking it is only right to expect it "on that one perfect day".

Funny though, I have never longed for that day, for I know God gave us life to live it to the fullest on this broken world as well. But like yourself, I've felt the obligation to hush-ignore-hide-die within.

So.. what about now? Again, all I can think of, my dear Rocky, is that whenever I see you you remind me of my mom's warming smile and I fell like hugging you, so if I may, I'll give you a triple hug: 1. for reminding me of my mom; 2. for being a nice sister-in-law to be (I hope I got the language right) ; 3. for being able to put into words some of the feelings I've held within, when all I wanted was to be held.

Anonymous said...

I love you Rocky.

Soy, I haven't got to meet you but I like you already. I am so happy that you are going to be my brother-in-law. When will it be official?

Rocky said...

Soychapin, you are very perceptive, just like Carlee. I like it when people notice whats going on and try to read between the lines, its a great characteristic.
I anticipate anxiously our future together as sister and brother in law. You are a warm and insightful human being.

Rocky said...

Kirsty, I love you too and I miss you more than I thought possible. I may just get on a plane to punch Bean in the arm like I promised for whisking the whole Bean clan away.

Unknown said...

Soy, I like how you think. I bet I'd probably even enjoy your mom's smile and then go hug Rocky.

Rocco, complaining and needed to tell long stories in full detail of all that's wrong--oh man, sometimes that is the best when you are with your best friend letting it all out over coffee. I would kick mine in the shin if he ever held back from telling me anything (completely impossible, too.) People who tell you never to whine, they don't that by the end of the story and the coffee you feel much better because someone else heard. In fact, you can start by complaining about those people and then get into what's really ticking you off/bothering you/getting you down.