My precious BABY. Megan aka Sissy will always be MY baby. She wants to move forward, she has to. Life moves, its a rule. We grow and change constantly. When Sis was small she would come to me and ask what I wanted her to say, eat, or wear when the decision was just too hard for her to make. Sometimes she still asks what I think she should say, eat, or wear ....but not quite as often. She has made a big decision that I was consulted on and agreed to but now my insides are shaking. She has enough credits to graduate early if she takes a night class this term. She wants out of high school, she's done with it. High school has never really been her thing anyway and she wants out as quick as she can. She decided to get her associates degree at a community college and then transfer her credits to a university later. When I got up this morning she had print-outs from various community colleges here and in Oregon, she stayed up late doing research about them. I just assumed when she said community college she meant here in Texas. I was excited because that gave me some more time to get used to this growing up thing she keeps doing. Since she is young, I still have some pull. I think its best she stay here and go to college, at least until she is 18. Sissy, could you just ask me what to say, eat, or wear? Those are the decisions I am good at.